AC(4)2012(2) Paper 6 part 1

Date:       Thursday 8 March 2012
      11:00 -13:00
    Presiding Officer’s office
Author name and contact number:
Carys Evans, ext 8598

Assembly Commission portfolios

1.0    Purpose and summary

1.1     This paper invites Assembly Commissioners to provide a verbal update on their portfolios.



Presiding Officer and Commission Chair, with responsibility for Legal Services.

Rosemary Butler AM

Budget, governance, including Audit Committee membership, and links with the Remuneration Board.  Improvement of services to Members, employment support and professional development for Members and their staff.

Angela Burns AM

ICT, broadcasting and e-democracy, the Assembly estate, facilities and sustainability.  The Commission as the employer of Assembly staff.

Peter Black AM

Education services, front of house, catering and security.  The Commission’s statutory equality functions and Freedom of Information.

Sandy Mewies AM

Citizen engagement and communications, national and international outreach. The Commission’s Welsh language functions and policy.

Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM


Although the Deputy Presiding Officer, David Melding, is not formally a member of the Commission, it was agreed that he would support the Commission by focusing on the Pierhead as a centre for Assembly development and debate, and links with the Wales Governance Centre and others relevant to this role.